3DIWERKT! represents a unique partnership between leading organizations in the field of sustainable employability: the Human Safety Academy, Intergo, Human Company, and HollandFit. These partners combine their proven expertise to optimally support you and your organization. Our offerings also qualify for funding through the MDIEU scheme, and we offer assistance in applying for such grants.

Let's work together on a future where sustainable employability is not just an ambition, but a reality.

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Approved Approach

Natuurlijk wil je zekerheid dat je op de juiste manier bezig bent met Duurzame Inzetbaarheid. Onze manier van ondersteunen van organisaties sluit aan op de visie van het platform SPDI, Sociale Partners samen voor Duurzame Inzetbaarheid. We besteden aandacht aan organisatieontwerp, werk inhoud en werk kwaliteit.

Government subsidy  

Het doel van de MDIEU-subsidie is het creëren van een werkomgeving waarin werknemers gemotiveerd langer kunnen blijven werken. De MDIEU-regeling biedt ook ondersteuning voor vervroegd uittreden van werknemers. Je kunt de volgende subsidie krijgen: Duurzame inzetbaarheid van medewerkers draagt bij aan de continuïteit van de organisatie. Daarom heeft de overheid de MDIEU-subsidieregeling ingesteld. Deze regeling kan in 2024 nog benut worden. Eerstvolgende deadline voor een subsidieaanvraag is in april 2024. Wacht dus niet te lang!

  • Costs of activities to promote sustainable employability: 50% subsidy.
  • Cost of early retirement of employees (Early Retirement Regulation, RVU): 25% subsidy.
  • Cost of business analysis required for grant application: max €5000 grant.

The threshold amount for the grant application is €75,000. The grant application includes a business analysis and an activity plan. We are ready to support you with drawing up this business analysis and activity plan, so that you can make a well-founded application. Afterwards, we are happy to help you with the implementation of the activity plan.

Promoting Sustainable Employability

We help organizations promote sustainable employability by working together to find answers to various questions, such as:

  1. Can we use technology to simplify (parts of) the work, so that (parts of) the work can be done by staff with a shorter in learning period?
  2. Digitalization is part of the future. This requires different competencies from employees. What does this mean for our processes and employees?
  3. How can we design and organize work in a healthy, safe and interesting way?
  4. How do we ensure that the work is interesting for both young and old?
  5. How do we ensure that employees exhibit safe and healthy behaviors?
  6. How do we ensure that managers encourage safe and healthy behaviors and sustainable employability?
  7. How healthy and developable are our employees?
  8. What training and education resources are needed (Learning & Development) for sustainable employability of current and new employees in the future?
  9. How do we ensure healthy rostering in shifts?
  10. How can we organize work to ensure employee well-being and autonomy?

Why is Sustainable Employability Important

What developments make Sustainable Employability important? We see the following developments in many sectors:

  • Labor shortage due to aging population, outflow and difficult inflow.
  • Work is being organized and performed with increasing flexibility, which requires great adaptability and agility from both organizations and employees.
  • Developments in the market and economy require a strong focus on efficient and effective operations.
  • Digitization makes work more complex and requires different skills:
    • "New" work includes more supervisory duties and fewer executive duties;
    • 'New' work is sometimes perceived as boring;
    • 'New' work at failures increases chance of 'from 0 to 120' unless...
    • 'New' work increases the risk of quickly mounting problems when failures occur. 

There is a risk that soon there will be too few people who can or want to do the work, so that the desired production and service cannot be provided. This will affect the continuity of the organization. It is therefore necessary to focus on retaining and developing current employees from a business strategy perspective. Being attractive to potential new employees is crucial. Sustainable employability contributes to achieving these goals.