Human Safety Academy has the expertise and years of experience in incident investigation, and we are well versed in analysing possible causes of adverse events.
Although there are many models for incident investigation, the main objective remains the same: what could have caused the incident and how do we prevent it from happening again? Our training courses are developed with a Systems Thinking approach and are tailored to support organisations in all sectors.
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Contact usWij geloven sterk in het principe van actief leren. Onze trainingsmethoden zijn ontworpen om kennis niet alleen over te dragen, maar om deze actief toe te passen en zo te verankeren in het langetermijngeheugen. Dit wordt bereikt door een verscheidenheid aan interactieve en praktijkgerichte werkvormen:
Het is wetenschappelijk bewezen dat actieve deelname aan het leerproces leidt tot een betere en langdurige kennisopslag. Onze methoden zijn ontworpen om kennis te verplaatsen van het werkgeheugen naar het langetermijngeheugen, waarbij we de beperkingen van het werkgeheugen overwinnen.
Tripod Beta is an incident analysis method owned and maintained by Energy Institute (EI). Practitioners are accredited by EI according to bronze, silver and gold status; gold status is appropriate for incident investigators who perform Tripod Beta analyses on a regular basis. Human Safety Academy provides training (by an accredited trainer), coaching and support throughout the path to gold status.
Based on an analytical method similar to TriPod Beta, BFA is better suited to analysing more frequent and less serious incidents in a relatively short period of time. The analysis provides a graphic display of the sequence of undesirable events leading up to an incident. During Barrier Failure Analysis (BFA) training, we show participants how to analyse barriers at three levels, ranging from direct and operational to structural and organisational.
Read more >Human error is often not an isolated event. HFACS helps to investigate the underlying human factors based on unsafe acts, preconditions for unsafe acts, unsafe supervision and organisational influences. During Human-Factor Analysis and Classification System training, we will teach you how to identify the human factors involved in incidents.
An essential component in conducting an incident investigation is how the interviews are conducted. This training focuses on being able to shape the interview structure and phases within an interview and being able to apply them. Interview and conversation techniques are practiced on the actor and each other on an alternating basis in class.
This training includes explaining and practicing four incident investigation analysis methods - Tripod Beta, Barrier Analysis / SCAT, RCA, and Accimap. This includes an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods, including their areas of application. In addition, attention is given to the creation of a Sequential Time and Event Plot (STEP). This is a timeline broken down by various actors who played a role during the time of an incident. Finally, attention is paid to human factors that may play a role in an incident, including the associated root causes.
Our training programs offer a holistic approach to incident investigation and management. Based on your requirements and need, we customise the scope of the assignment to cover relevant investigation methodologies and training delivery.